Monday, July 23, 2012

Nature vs Nurture

I'm not the kind of person could describe my own habilities and personality , but I'm sure if I have it is thanks to the education provided by my parents, teachers and by the experiences that I've lived. Obviously at the beginning when you are born You had one form of beinf, and different features and habilities that made you only. However since you came to this world, you have had to face a place where you have to learn to live according to some established customs, wich has made you change your attitudes and manners. How do you do this? In my oppinion the most important and determinants factors are the education and values provided by your parents and teachers.

Are you the reflection of your house? GenerallyIt's true.. but not in all cases It applies, I can't say that If your dad is a thief , you will be too, though this will influence in your decisions, whether positives or negatives. Further, you won't have the same personality as your parents or the person who raised you, sinde it's impossible to be a duplicate of another person.  But over the years you are going to take certain attitudes and behaviors as your own , obviously only things that you consider good, to finally be who you are at this time!

In conclusion, you born with an established personality and abilities that you know with the pass of the years but it is mixed with enviromental influences, your costums, your education, valuea, methodology to learn something , and of course, your daily life.

Consolidation of a power can finish with The Human Rights

       Venezuela, a country located in South America, has been guided and governed by Hugo Chavez for 13 years, during which he has organized the country as he wants, trying to make it be socialist government. The problem lie, in the way Mr. Hugo Chavez is acting with his opponents, surpassing the same law.               
          Since 2nd of February, in 1998, when Chavez took control of Venezuela, he started doing as many things as he could to" turn around" the country. However, he has been putting the law in his favor, achieving and punishing all those who are not with him. As a consequence a recent survey's report of the Human Rights Watch presented in Washington indicates that Venezuela has increased the activities and actions that undermine the majority of human rights.
           In the Colombian newspaper "El Tiempo" - which translated means "The Time" - an article was published called "The ONG said the Human Rights situation in Venezuela has become "precarious" ". Principally, it says all the abuses have been done specifically by the government; and is reflected in the judicial branch. Also the ONG thinks of the accumulation of power and removal of the constitutional guarantees give to Chavez government free reign to intimidate, censor, and prosecute. The writer shows his disappointing view about Chavez’ procedures through different arguments such as judges put in jail for do not follow Chavez unfairness and his requirements, and with some channels censured like RTCI.
          On the other hand there is the American new media, CNSNews, which redacted an article about this topic and shares the opinion of the Colombian post. It mentions some parts of the report given by the Human Rights Watch, justifying with clear examples how Chavez and his allies have been wrongly acting Moreover, the author talks about one of the most important topics at the moment: Henrique Capriles, the current presidential centrist candidate who has received the nicknames “Mama’s Boy“ and “Tool of the Yankee Imperialist” by his opponent, Chaves. The article stresses what the Americas director for Human Rights Watch, Jose Miguel Vivanco,  said : confronting the situation and trying to become president won’t be easy work due to the big consolidation of the power , this idea makes the citizens,  and more than one country,  have expectations about the future.

                     As far as I’m concerned the Venezuelan government has taken power and rights which don’t belong to it, causing and showing to the world the lost of the moral and ethical values as a result of a president who doesn’t care about the necessities and rights of the citizens. Furthermore, in my opinion it is unacceptable to see how one person has the ability to  throw justice away or in the worst case, to take the human rights in his hands, restricting the free right the liberty and the right of the information.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Davivienda's Reporter

The ad that I chose was done by a Colombian bank called “Davivienda” in 2010, during the FIFA World Cup which took place in South Africa. Davivienda decided to do a commercial series trying to invite people to join the bank.

The ad is about one reporter who had never been in Africa until the day when The World Cup begun. He tries to do a report showing the African culture. However, he experiences some difficulties which make him feel uncomfortable though he never grumbles. Then you are able to deduce he is in an inappropriate place or situation. And that’s the idea, show how the reporter and your money can be described when the Bank slogan says: “You can be in the wrong place” and that you have to get to a better place; in other words: you should bring your money to Davivienda since they are gotten to keep and to save it.

Actually I like this commercial because it calls attention of the customers and other people in a funny way and nobody will forget the reporter’s name or that he should be in the right place.

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's not just help, It's changing the world

 Currently in Colombia, and around the world, are serious cases of sexual abuse especially among children. Presently in my country, Colombia, is estimated that every half hour 17 children are abused; usually the 30% of those children, will do the same in the future, creating an interminable crisis. Therefore different non-profit organizations and charities like “Association Home- Kids for a New Planet” have been created  to back the victims up.
     Being a millionaire, or being famous is not necessary when you want to contribute; As the writer Paulo Coelho said in his book The Alchemist : " When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Here we have the case of the founder of the organization named previously, Paola Franceschi, who was a normal citizen who became a mom for 265 children on the day She met a couple of orphan children who told her and her husband that they were living in an institution which would be close down .That situation touched them, so they started looking for the perfect way to solve the problem. As a result, in March of 2000,with their savings they opened a wholesome home which had the capacity to have 15 children who were sons and daughters of prostitutes and delinquents. Nowadays, due to the support of private enterprises, the home supports around 265 children.
     The Aim of this foundation is to guarantee the children rights and to create valuable human beings, encouraging the culture, the respect , the love and showing them that it’s never is too late to overcome our own adversities,. Each time one child arrives to the foundation, the staff does a psychological study, so they are able to establish what the best method is to fix the problem. Between these methods you can three programs which include professional orientation and payment of basic and technical studies. Moreover, they have some places where they sell manufacture objects, second hand clothes and corporate gifts; also you can give donations there.
     Also you can donate your time, it’s an unforgettable experience. I had the opportunity to do it , and I’ll never forget the story of one girl who was abused by her father. Thanks to Paola’s actions, the girl could join the foundation and there she received treatment that slowly erased her tear of this trauma…However she still asks about the man who abused of her.
     Chipping in is not just to give one coin, it is really to experience the things you do. Perhaps now your life is almost perfect, but if you were one of those children, What would be your dream? Maybe have a home, and go to school?  What would you like people to do for you? All these answers, all these simple things are how we can achieve a new Colombia and a new world.

Friday, May 18, 2012

My future

When you are an adolescent who just finished high school a few months ago, a lot of things might pass in your mind, but everything is related with your future. Most people say you don’t have to think of the future, that you only have to start living the present because of the following argument:  the future depends of all things you do and all decisions that you make now.  However when you are at this crucial point in your life you must see yourself some years later , and  you have to see which things are going to make you happy.
For that reason it is too difficult try to say exactly what I would do , though I’m sure and I can see myself in five years and I would like to be an exceptional student at Rosario University, finishing my degree, law, and starting to work. Now I’m not really sure about my personal life, I would like to live with my parents until I finish all my studies.

Friday, May 4, 2012

My best friend!

I’m almost 18 and since 16 years ago I have had one of the most important people with me. My best friend’s name is Alejandra, among us exist an amazing and unbelievable friendship; now I think it is the most relevant thing to say , I don’t have enough words to describe an awesome person as she is.
When we were 5 years, we didn’t have the best relationship; therefore the problems were one stage of our story. Once we were playing play station, to be more specific we had been playing crash around 3 hours. Suddenly and without reasons we started fighting, that day we acted as rude boys.  She took my face and tried to push me down, practically we choked each other. But at the end, I really don’t know what happened in her mind, she took one baby scissors and tried to put it in my throat … She was looking me as a manic, I talked to myself: “this is my day”.  Fortunately my cousin went into my bedroom and caught her; actually I might say that she saved my life. We had many bruises, so that we decided to say that one beetle had done it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dust in the Wind

Being aware about whom we are is one of the human’s biggest problems. I couldn’t say : “Everybody lives without money”  because this is a consumer society, though  in the life most people just do and live trying to have wealth, money and luxuries: they really don’t matter simple things which can make you happy and a better person.  I hold the opinion that you really understand the sense of the life, when you know that you are here to make mistakes, to learn, to love and to be a better person; on your death’s day you only let memories to the people, the money can become you happy, but it’s not going to be forever. We have to take advantage of every moment, one day we can be here, today is a gift, tomorrow is a mystery… but at the end everybody is going to be dust in the wind.